Slovak Republic Christmas Custom Ornament
This 3" tall two-tone satin ornament tells the story of the Christmas customs of Slovak. Crafted of glass exclusively for Bronner's from Hungary, our Slovakian Christmas custom ornament is sure to be a fun and enlightening conversation piece for years to come!
Custom on the back of the Slovak Republic ornament reads:
On the evening of December 5, St. Nicholas legendarily descends from a gold cord with an angel and mentor to reward or admonish children. At Christmas Eve supper, a chair is left vacant for the Christ-Child. After supper, candles on the tree are lighted. Tree décor includes straw and paper stars, glass ornaments, fruits, nuts, cookies, and intricately painted eggshells – symbolizing birth. After midnight mass, children often sleep on straw by the manger, reminiscent of Christ's birth. On January 6, Epiphany, priests write C+M+B over the doors of homes placing a cross between the letters which stand for the initials of the Magi and a Latin phrase meaning "May Christ bless this home."
Bronner #1000617.
Custom on the back of the Slovak Republic ornament reads:
On the evening of December 5, St. Nicholas legendarily descends from a gold cord with an angel and mentor to reward or admonish children. At Christmas Eve supper, a chair is left vacant for the Christ-Child. After supper, candles on the tree are lighted. Tree décor includes straw and paper stars, glass ornaments, fruits, nuts, cookies, and intricately painted eggshells – symbolizing birth. After midnight mass, children often sleep on straw by the manger, reminiscent of Christ's birth. On January 6, Epiphany, priests write C+M+B over the doors of homes placing a cross between the letters which stand for the initials of the Magi and a Latin phrase meaning "May Christ bless this home."
Bronner #1000617.